Is Oil Injection Better than Premix?

oil injection, motorcycle gas tank2 stroke motors, like any other need oil to continue running.  4 Stroke engines keep circulating the same oil through the crankcase while a 2 stoke motor mixes the oil with the gasoline and uses that to lubricate the engine.  In some 2 stroke engines, you have to mix the oil and gasoline in the gas take while other 2 stroke motors mix the oil and gasoline as it enters the engine.

Each oiling system works differently to accomplish the same goals and naturally, there are benefits to each.

Benefits of Oil Injection

The main goal of oil injection is to keep things simple for the operator.  Mixing gasoline and oil before you pour it in the tank is messy and can easily be mixed too strong or too weak.  With an oil injection system, the oil is automatically metered in with the gas.  Not only do you not have to worry about the correct mixture, but you also don’t have to mix the gas and oil you simply put each in its own tank and allow the system to do its job.

Besides keeping the mess down and the guesswork out of the mixture you often only have to fill your oil tank every 2-3 tanks of gas saving you time.  Oil injection systems allow you to run premium oils that can reduce wear and smoke.

Benefit of Premix

Premixing your oil and gas for your engine can seem tedious but it gives you complete control over the mixture if you have the right equipment and work carefully.  An oil injection system meters oil automatically but there is no way to tell for sure how much oil is getting mixed in, you just have to see how to engine runs, check your plugs and hope for the best.  If you choose to premix your oil you can still use some of the best oils like Silverfire Smokeless 2T Injector Oil.  While Silverfire Smokeless 2t Injector Oil can be run in your oil injection system, it can also be premixed into your gasoline at the correct ratio for your motor.

Photo by Dan Burton on Unsplash